

Champagne Shootout XI

Champagne Shootout XI will employ the same format as the ill-fated, weather-disrupted Champagne Shootout X. The traditional 6-6-6 format consisting of three 6-hole stages (Scramble, Fourball, Modified Foursomes) and a 2nd 18-hole round to be played on the Barn Hollow Par 3 course - known as Modified Matchplay.

Upon completion of the registration period, Shooters will vote on their prefered team captains from the pool of registered Shooters. Please note that your registration carries the tacit acceptance of a potential captancy nomination.



Each member of a two-person team plays their own tee shot. Teams select the better of the two shots from which to play their next shots. The team that finishes the hole in the fewest strokes wins the hole. Tied holes do not carry. The team that wins the most holes within the stage earns one point toward the total score.


In fourball, each member of a two-person team plays their own ball, so four balls are in play on every hole. Each team counts the lowest of its two scores on each hole, and the team whose player has the lowest score wins the hole. The team that wins the most holes within the stage earns one point toward the total score.


In modified foursomes, each two-person team plays one ball per hole with the players taking turns until each hole in the stage is complete. Both players on each team hit tee shots on every hole. Teams then select their prefered shot and hit alternating shots until the hole is finished. The team that wins the most holes within the stage earns one point toward the total score.


The Modified Matchplay event will constist of a single 18-hole round broken into 6 3-hole stages - each worth 1 point. Captains will have the opportunity to adjust pairs as they see fit prior to the start of the Modified Matchplay event. Once pairings have been confirmed each team will announce the order in which each pairing will compete. Pairings must play a complete stage and, once announced, pairings and order cannot be changed.


In the event of a tie after the final match, the following tie-breakers will be applied in order.

A | Most combined holes won throughout the competition

B | Lowest combined stroke score throughtout the competition

C | Each team will select their desired Shootout pairing to compete in a two-legged (down-and-back) relay race along the length of the 18th hole. The team to deposit their baton (a bottle of miller high life) into the 18th hole will earn the Champagne Shootout Trophy for their team.